Bristows ranked highly in the legal directories
Most Bristows partners have yet again been ranked highly in the two main legal directories, Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners.
In Legal 500, There has been an increase in the number of lawyers listed across the 17 categories. The firm maintained the current Tier for 10 practices and is especially proud of its Tier 1 ranking for the six practices below:
M&A Smaller Deals up to £50m
Data Protection, privacy and cybersecurity
Brand Management
Intellectual Property
IT and Telecoms
Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
The EU and Competition practice went up one tier to Tier 4. The other practices ranked are:
Charities and not-for-profit (Tier 4)
Commercial Contracts (Tier 6)
Commercial Litigation (Tier 5)
Commercial Property/General (Tier 5)
Commercial Property/Investment (Tier 4)
Competition Litigation (Tier 3)
Employment (Tier 7)?
Media and Entertainment (Tier 2)
Partnership (Tier 5)
PATMA: Trade mark attorneys (Tier 2)
Four Leading Individuals have been listed for Bristows: Robert Bond (Data Protection), Brian Cordery (Patent Litigation), Myles Jelf (IP), Marie Manley (Pharmaceutical Regulatory), and Mark Watts (Data Protection).
Four associates and one partner have been highlighted as Next Generation lawyers: Tim Allen (Real Estate), Jeremy Blum (IP), Hannah Crowther (Data Protection), Rachel Mumby (Life Sciences), and Sacha Wilson (listed under both the Media and Brands practices).
This year make their debut to the directory: Tim Allen (Real Estate), Andrew Butcher (Brands), Angela Fouracre (Commercial Litigation), Remya Jayakkar (Trade Mark), Vikram Khurana (Commercial IT), Rachel Mumby (Pharmaceutical), and Charlie Willison (Corporate).
In Chambers and Partners, the firm maintained all existing rankings for the practices, and reached the top ranking for IT, now in Band 1.
A few partners gained a well-deserved spot: Andrew Bowler and Alan Johnson are now ranked in Band 4 for IP/Patent Litigation, while Sacha Wilson has been listed as Associate to Watch for both Media & Entertainment and Advertising and Marketing, together with Hannah Crowther (Data Protection).
Some other partners went up a Band:
– Sophie Lawrance now in Band 5 for Competition and EU;
– Dr Watts is now in Band 2 for IT (and still a Star Individual for Data Protection);
– Brian Cordery is similarly now in Band 2 for IP/Patent Litigation.
The practices ranked are:
Competition Law (Band 6)
Data Protection & Information Law (Band 1)
Information Technology (Band 1)
Intellectual Property (Band 1)
Intellectual Property: Law Firms With Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys
Intellectual Property: Patent Litigation (Band 1)
Life Sciences (Band 1)
Life Sciences: IP/Patent Litigation (Band 1)
Life Sciences: Regulatory (Band 2)
Life Sciences: Transactional (Band 2)
Media & Entertainment: Advertising & Marketing (Band 3)
Media & Entertainment: Gaming, Social Media & Interactive Content (Band 4)
Outsourcing (Band 3)
Partnership (Band 4)
Real Estate: Lower Mid-Market (RP)
Telecommunications (Band 4)