We recognise how fundamental it is to your business to be in the right working environment and on terms that support your business objectives. Technology and changing work patterns are revolutionising what businesses want from their real estate assets and the need to attract and retain talent puts the choice of workplace at the forefront of the decision-making process.
Bristows has a multi-disciplinary corporate occupier team which focuses on understanding and supporting our clients’ business and commercial drivers whatever the nature of their real estate needs.
Our experienced team of lawyers provide bespoke solutions and strategic advice to support your decision-making process throughout the lifecycle of a property - from the acquisition of new premises to exit strategies and all related issues.
We work with organisations in every sector with a significant proportion of our clients being overseas businesses looking to establish a presence in the UK. We have significant experience in guiding and supporting these new entrants and helping to streamline this potentially challenging process.
Our clients include multinationals and start-ups; institutions with heritage properties through to technology and pharmaceutical companies requiring bespoke buildings with specialist fit out requirements.