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GCR Live 2nd Annual IP, Antitrust & Innovation

  • 08/10/19
  • 08:30
  • Hotel Amigo, Brussels

Event Information

Pat Treacy will be a panellist for the following topic: ‘Licensing of SEPs: same old or brave new world? The practitioners’ perspective’.

The panel will debate the key issues in SEP licensing with reference to the latest cases and judgments from jurisdictions around the world, including Unwired Planet v Huawei, TCL v Ericsson, Qualcomm v FTC and the European Commission’s decision in Qualcomm.

Questions to be explored include:

  • Can national courts determine global licences, as in Unwired Planet and in TCL?
  • How can courts ensure consistency of global licences across jurisdictions when other courts are considering the same patents and licensing rates?
  • Are the approaches applied by competition authorities consistent with the approaches of courts?

The panel will also discuss the licensing of SEPs for Internet of Things applications and the impact of recent cases.

For more information and to register, please see the GCR Live website.

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Pat Treacy

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