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Bi-Livery DMG Roundtable

  • 14/01/21
  • 18:00
  • Virtual Roundtable
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Event Information

This free lively panel discussion will bring together regulators and participants from the front line, jointly hosted with the Worshipful Company of Marketors.

Join Robert Bond as he provides guidance on the hard legal aspects as they explore the challenges for regulators and participants in the fast moving and dynamic world of influencer marketing and use of social media. Some of the questions explored include:

  • Has trust and credibility been challenged, as we’ve seen paid for ‘sponsored’ messages and “personal opinions” that are in effect adverts for brands come to the fore?
  • What has been the influence of influencers in the US political process?
  • How can regulators control an unorganised and disparate form of media, and how can brands ensure they stay on the right of the regulations when they delegate responsibility for messages to influencers?
  • Chaired by Marketor Liveryman Jeremy Stern
  • Robert Bond – Partner at Bristows Law and a Certified Compliance Professional will look at the hard legal aspects.
  • Jason Freeman – Legal Director at the Competition and Markets Authority, will focus on the CMA’s recently issued guidance on influencer marketing
  • Emily Leary  – multi-award winning author, presenter, blogger, vlogger and a married working mum of two children. Emily created her blog, “A Mummy Too”  whilst on maternity leave in 2011. It now has over 300k followers, consistently topping the UK parenting and food blogging charts
  • Jessica Zbinden-Webster – Political Communications Strategist at the House of Commons will consider the role of politicians as social media influencers as well as how social media will influence politicians of the 21st century

Meet our speakers

Robert Bond

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