Technology licensing: adapting to the EU’s new regime – update
Last night, we held our eagerly awaited roundtable discussion: “Technology licensing: adapting to the EU’s new regime”. After a quick introduction outlining how the European Commission’s approach to licensing has evolved, we delved straight into an interactive discussion on how businesses could adapt commercial practices to take advantage of the new rules. The life sciences, and technology, media and telecoms (TMT) sectors were pretty evenly represented, with some of the guests getting almost as excited about the changes as we have been.
If you were interested in the discussion but couldn’t make it, or if you did attend and would like a souvenir from the evening, you can find some slides here. Those present will recall that slides were not used (intentionally) for the most part. In lieu of the discussions that we had on each of the key changes, we’ve therefore included some ‘aides mémoires’ in these slides (inevitably, it’s impossible to recreate the magic of an informal discussion in PowerPoint!). We hope that you’ll find these to be useful.
Of course, if you have any further questions, please do get in touch with us and we will consider how best to answer them.
Finally, the related articles mentioned in our earlier post have now been published:
- Pat Treacy and David George’s “Europe embraces a new technology transfer regime: headaches for IP licensees and licensors?” for Intellectual Property Magazine – see here, and
- Osman Zafar and Matthew Warren’s “Technology licensing and settlements of IP disputes: implications of the European Commission’s new regime” in the Journal of European Competition Law and Practice – see here.
Last, but not least, Sophie Lawrance’s CLI article, “New technology transfer rules: evolution or revolution” has been published in Competition Law Insight.
Happy reading!
Osman Zafar