Respondent’s refusal to pay its share of the advance on costs – and now?
- 11/07/17
- 07:30
- Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac Quebec City Quebec Canada
Event Information
Event session on 11 July in Québec at the IADC Law Annual Meeting 2017.
• What can a plaintiff do in case the respondent fails to pay its share of the advance on cost?
Advantages and issues of interim awards on reimbursement
• On the one hand it is a problem that respondents fail to comply with the agreement which includes – through submitting to the respective rules – the payment of the advance on cost for the arbitral proceedings, on the other hand we see a number of dubious not to say frivolous claims aiming at creating (financial) problems for the respondent.
How shall arbitral tribunals handle this? Best practices
Moderator: Daniela Karollus-Bruner, CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, Vienna, Austria
• Dr. Philipp Behrendt, LL.M., Taylor Wessing, Hamburg, Germany
• Anna Cook, Bristows LLP, London, England
• Junior Sirivar, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Toronto, Canada
See here for more information here.