Event Information
Robert Burrows is attending the Annual Conference on the EU Unitary Patent 2016.
Just before the Unitary Patent Court starts functioning, this one-day conference will offer an update on the most recent political and legal developments regarding the Unitary Patent in the EU and the rules of procedure applicable before the Unitary Patent Court.
Key topics
• Pending adoption of the 18th draft of the rules of procedure
• Result of the public consultation on the fee structure for the Unified Patent Court
• Adjusted proposals from the EPO on renewal fee levels for Unitary Patent with unitary effect
• Implications of the Unitary Patent system for large and small industries
• Deadlines with the Unified Patent Court:being prepared for changes in legal practice and in internal organisation of law firms
Who should attend?
Patent attorneys, lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel and other practitioners of law dealing with patent law and industrial property law.
To find out more or to register for the event, please click HERE.