Sport At Bristows
In this blog I summarise some of the opportunities for a Bristows trainee to get a sweat on outside the bundle room.
Currently unbeaten this season, AFC Bristows are going through an unprecedented spell of form. Matches vary between 5, 7 and 8 a-side formats, and are played around Central London (our home ground is in Bermondsey; fixtures in Aldgate and Shoreditch commonly feature). As with all sport at Bristows, players of any experience are welcome. Match reports are posted on the Bristows intranet after every game and are (usually) very entertaining. We have recently also had a trainees vs associates grudge match – the trainees won… obviously.
Mixed, both in terms of gender and technical ability. We have regular fixtures against other law firms at Battersea Park, plus a few other friendly games throughout the year. The matches are always a lot of fun, but that’s not to say we don’t take them seriously! The team even braved the “Beast from the East” for a sub-zero game this March, which is a fine example of the type of dedication often seen to sport at Bristows. Post-match food and drinks with the opposition at a local pub is the common routine. Goalies are a rarity…
I’ll direct you to Bristows CC’s twitter page for detail. Games are played in good spirit and in the sun (although the latter is apparently not guaranteed). Highlights last year included a trip to Oxford for a weekend match, and a helicopter landing on the pitch during our warm-up for a game in West London. With recent results not going our way, training sessions in the nets have been scheduled in preparation for an action packed summer. Match reports are somewhat legendary. Everyone is encouraged to take part, whether you ‘could have gone pro had it not been for that shoulder injury’, or ‘have never even touched a cricket bat but like the idea of spending an evening standing in a sunny field with a cool beverage’ (I myself fall in the latter category).
I have yet to play, but I have been informed that there are lunchtime games every two weeks. The team are currently fighting for top-spot in a fiercely competitive league. On top of the games, there are a number social events, an essential part of all Bristows sport.
Well-attended Yoga classes occur weekly in the office and (for some reason) in the dark. It can be quite startling if you’re just passing through. There’s also Pilates if you prefer.
There are softball games, charity cycles and running clubs. If gym is your thing, you can join those making visits during lunch breaks. I’ll note here that this is a non-exhaustive list as new activities are cropping up all the time.
Not only is Bristows sport an enjoyable way to burn a few calories but it’s also a great way of getting to know people from all areas of the firm. My advice to any new trainee would be simple: get involved!
Nicholas Michelmore